Morning everyone, it’s Ari here at the end of what feels like a very long week. Alfie says he’s more than ready to take his long weekend off and Wilma’s getting ready to go to help our Mistress with Fun Day so I have pretty much got the run of things. I’m not actually sure what I’m going to do for the day, but talking to you guys seemed like a good start. Yesterday, when we were out for our walk and our Mistress was talking to me about all the changes and how sad she was, I hit on a short term solution. Cake! Wasn’t it Marie Antoinette who said ‘Let them eat cake’ when the peasants had no bread? Well in this instance it’s more ‘Let us eat cake to cheer ourselves up’. We came back via the pub so our Mistress could pick up a blueberry muffin to have with her coffee and then I helped her put a strategy together for the next few days. Today there will be the cake stall at the fun day so she can eat cake all day if she wants to. Then for tomorrow I gently reminded her that we need some more of the big dog chews we all enjoy and just by chance there is a Costa Coffee next door to the pet shop, so she can get her favourite Belgian Chocolate Tiffin while she’s there. She may need to do some baking of her own by Monday, but that’s not a problem. I’m willing to help.
Wilma said her walk yesterday was very exciting as she met two deer for the first time. Our Mistress was trying to get a photo but another dog walker, whose dogs were off lead, shouted to scare the deer off before her dogs could chase them. It meant by the time our Mistress’s camera was ready there was only a field of long grass and two lurchers to photograph. Wilma said they were very nice lurchers, but it was a bit disappointing for both of them.
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE