Oh how the years have changed. Only a few years ago there were ten Entlebuchers in the UK and now there are 72! Congratulations to Aida and Basil on the birth of their three beautiful puppies. Aida had a difficult labour but is now recovering at home with her puppies. These are the first puppies born to parents who were both themselves born in the UK – so the first litter that is a truly second generation UK Entlebucher and we are all very excited for what that means for our breed. Basil is thankfully feeling better after his own ordeal last weekend and is a very proud father. Shadow is of course a grandmother for the first time and is thrilled to have achieved that status. The other UK grandmother is Queenie, whose brood of grandchildren now number fourteen and if she’s lucky there will be more later in the year. I just look on, proud of what has happened.

Wilma has learnt a new trick. For the first time our Mistress has managed to get one of us to roll over when asked. The fact that Wilma quite likes rolling over definitely helps but they seem to be having fun together. Wilma was very sweet when we went up to bed on Monday night. I wasn’t feeling so well and was more than keen to just curl up in my bed and say goodnight, but she stood watching over me for ages until I was completely settled. It was a little unnerving, but nice all the same. I’d had a couple of good days and our Mistress hoped it might mean my glands had gone down, but they haven’t. We’re waiting for my urine test results and then I’ll be having another appointment with the vet. I’m ok, just not really myself.
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
Congratulations to Basil and Aida on the birth of their puppies. That makes me an Uncle!!!! Love from us all Dickens XXXXXXX
I will pass your message on. Have a woofly day Uncle Dickens. (I think you already have nieces and nephews in Switzerland on your father’s side)
Congratulations Aida and Basil. I hope you feel better today Alfie. Have a woofy tail waggy day. xxx
Thank you. I’ll pass your good wishes on to them. Have a woofly day.
Hello everyone in England, Congratulations to the first breed of puppies with your fellow breedingdogs Born in England. We are so proud of you all. This is the result of your hard work all the years. We feel so happy for you.
Our puppies are doing very well. Sunshinegreetings from Switzerland
Thank you. It is very special to us that we have come this far. It is an excited step.