Well the weather has been atrocious and we’re all fed up with it… except Wilma. She was thrilled to find that everywhere is covered with water and mud again and was totally happy having a walk through it all and bringing quite a bit of it home. I opted not to walk too far as I really didn’t want it all splashing on my coat and Ari and Shadow tolerated it, but have rather enjoyed being walked together by our Mistress the last couple of days. As there was no one around she decided that having them each on an extending lead might work. All was well until they had a minor argument and our Mistress had to resolve it with a dog treat each or two.
It has been a stressful weekend in the Entlebucher world. Basil is now recovering from his collapse of earlier in the weekend and is vowing not to eat anything he finds on the ground when he goes for a walk again. His and Aida’s pups were born yesterday. She had a difficult birth and ended up at the vets for some help. As I write this we are waiting for news of how everything has gone. She did have a little boy before going to the vet and he was doing quite well. That means there are at least 70 of us now, which somehow sounds a lot more than 69 somehow. We send good wishes to Aida and her human and hope that all is well.
Now it’s back to a working week and our Mistress says she wants me to go swimming today. I’ve not been for a few weeks so it’s going to be strange, but as I don’t really want to walk she thinks it will be good for me. I should be past an age where I have to do things because they might be good for me!
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