Wednesday 23rd March 2016 – I am Belgian

I was born in the wonderful country of Belgium and lived there for the first two years of my life. Some of my family and my breeder still live there as do many of our friends. It’s a wonderful country, filled with the nicest people you will find anywhere in Europe. Our Master and Mistress loved living there and used to fly from Zaventum regularly. We were all shocked and saddened by the tragedies that occurred in my homeland yesterday and send our warmest sympathy and support to a country that gave us so much. We stand with you against those who attack you and hope that you will stay safe during these troubled days.

After saying all that, it doesn’t feel right to tell you the funny story about Wilma and the American Tax Return so I’ll save that for tomorrow. I was spared the indignity of the urine sample yesterday as our Mistress wasn’t very awake when she got up and forgot. She has promised to remember today, so that’s something to look forward to instead.

Our Mistress had a moment of madness yesterday and has not only entered Wilma in her first dog show, but has entered Shadow as well. She suddenly got it into her head that it would be fun to qualify Shadow for Crufts now she is back in such good shape for her age. Now that she has turned seven she will take part in the ‘veterans’ classes so will be competing against other older dogs rather than the smart young things that are rather more lithe than a middle aged dog who has had 22 children! The show is on May 6th at the Staffordshire Show Ground and they are rather excited. Basil is going to be there that day too and Buddy so there will be a good little contingent of our breed and Basil can cheer his mother on.

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE