Friday 4th March 2016 – What an Amazing Walk

It’s Aristotle here, Alfie said I could write todays because yesterday I was the one who had the amazing walk and because he’s not well. Alfie had to go to the vet yesterday because his glands were all swollen in his neck. Our Mistress is quite worried about him, because he says he really isn’t feeling right. He had blood taken and will get some results today. He’s been given antibiotics as a precaution, but he doesn’t have a temperature and the vet does not think it is an infection. I know our Mistress is worried about him and doing all she can to make sure he’s comfortable. He says his arthritis is playing up too, but I think he may just be feeling grumbly because he’s not well.

We heard from my sister Dora too and she’s not well. She’s got arrhythmia and her heart IMG_2941stopped when she was about to have an operation on her leg. Thankfully they managed to start it again but she is now going to need medication. I’m just glad she’s ok. Now she doesn’t know what’s going to happen about her leg operation so she’s in pain too. Mum, our Mistress and I are sending you lots of get well wishes.

IMG_2943Anyway, back to my walk. We had to fit it in around lots of other things yesterday, but picked exactly the right time. The Red Arrows were doing some flights out of the local RAF airfield and were doing all their formation flying as though it was a display especially for us. Our Mistress liked the heart with the arrow through it best, but she’s soppy like that. I was just amazed by watching how close together they fly. I was reading about a dog learning to fly the other day and wondered if we’d ever see the day of a dog flight display team. I’m sure it’s something Wilma and I could do if we set out minds to it, but I don’t think there is much risk of our Mistress either allowing it, or for that matter paying for it. Anyway, I was really pleased that I had got to see it all as it made a change and with the clear skies it all looked pretty spectacular.

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Please get well soon Alfie and Dora. My family and I are sending get well wishes and hope you feel lots better soon. Love, woofs and waggy tails from us all. Dickens and the gang XXXXXXX

  2. Oh poor Alfie and Dora. So glad Dora is okay. I hope Alfie is feeling better soon. I am also feeling grumpy as I have an infection in one of my teeth. What a wonderful experience on your walk Ari. Have a tail waggy day. xx

    • Yes we’re all relieved about Dora. Ari was beside himself when we told him. Shadow was calmer, but I could still see she was upset. Have a woofly day.

    • Thanks Addie. Wilma’s looking forward to meeting you next week. I’m sure she’ll tell you all the family news. Have a woofly day.

  3. Wir wünschen Dir lieb er Alfie gute Besserung und dass Du bald wieder herumtollen kannst. Unseren Kleinen Töscelis geht es gut und die Buben haben die Namen Alfie, Ari und Arco. die Mädchen die Namen Amélie, Allegra und Alaia.
    Liebe Grüsse an Alle senden die Kornrieder aus dem verschneiten Aeschi.

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