Sunday 13th December 2015 – And then it rained

If you live somewhere in the world that is dry and sunny and can recommend it, then please will you tell us where it is and what we need to do to move. It is grey and wet here. It has been grey and wet for days, or possibly weeks. Every time we get a dry day and you think you’re going to stop getting your paws wet it starts raining again and the ground is waterlogged. Alfie will not walk in the rain. I won’t get out of the car into a puddle or mud, although once out I will tolerate rain as long as I don’t have to go through mud. Only Wilma seems to like it, although Shadow is not too bad with it either. Which brings me on

to what to do on a day like yesterday. Alfie and Wilma went for the relaxing Saturday option. I chose to help our Mistress with a spot of baking. I have to say being on paw when blueberry muffins are being made can only be a good thing. Then we moved

Wilma's nap in a shipwrecked bad in the middle of the floor
Wilma’s nap in a shipwrecked bad in the middle of the floor – she moved it!

on to fudge making and at that point Alfie didn’t want to be left out.

Oh I know I’m supposed to be devising recipes for Wilma’s Kong toys but I have to say that helping our Mistress was much more my idea of a wet Saturday than having to do any real thinking.

I think I should apologise to all the young Entlebuchers out there who saw me as a role model for misbehaviour. It seems I grew up somewhere over the last few months and now I keep being praised for being a model dog. Now, tempting as it is to think of something truly naughty to rebel against the clean cut image, I have to say I’m getting so many cuddles and so much praise and attention that frankly I don’t want to throw it away. To be fair, our Mum ‘grew up’ when she turned two. I’ve done my best to maintain the eternal puppy image until I was four, but I guess some things can’t last forever. Sorry!

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Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE