Wednesday 17th June 2015 – Drastic Action is Required

The dark silhouette birds of prey have not stopped the crow. If anything he is now pecking more enthusiastically than ever. Our Master has asked our Mistress if the problem went away would she be happy? However as she found him looking at shotgun sites on the Internet she explained that in certain circumstances, no she would not be happy. Fortunately she was not alone in thinking that the solution has to be humane so our Master will just have to dream about his solution. Although he did say he would be concerned about collateral damage! Anyway, one of our lovely friends in the Netherlands has sent us some more suggestions so we are moving on to trying those. Our Mistress has ordered some spikes to go on our porch roof. It may not look pretty, although she has found some that match the colour of the tiles, but it is better than the alternative! Wish us luck.

Our Mistress has made the mistake of asking our Master what he’d like to do for Father’s Day on Sunday and it turns out that he wants to go and do the cycle ride again. Now she’s thinking that maybe she should just have offered to take him out somewhere. However, I think she has put a condition on it. This time they will be stopping for a cream tea at the half way point. She wanted to last week, but he didn’t think that was in the spirit of things. Our Mistress on the other paw thinks eating a scone while sitting in the sunshine is entirely in the spirit of her weekend! I have to say whilst I won’t be volunteering for the cycle I might just offer my services to eat a scone, as long, of course, as it is a plain one without any dried fruit in it!

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