Shadow made up laugh. Where she stayed on Tuesday night there were more rabbits on the lawn than she’s ever seen anywhere. She said it was almost too much to bear. She was on her lead and could not go after them and there they were happily having their tea and playing. There were dozens of them all looking happy and healthy and up for being chased, but out Mistress was mean and said it was not ok to chase them. It was their home and Shadow should show a little more respect. Why is it that humans just don’t get it? There were geese too, but Shadow feared that they were too big to accept being chased.
With the wild windy weather you would not realise that midsummer is only a couple of weeks away. It certainly

doesn’t feel like it. We persuaded our Mistress to put the heating on yesterday as the house was feeling so cold. She did mumble something about it being hardly surprising that the sweet potatoes hadn’t liked the weather as she doesn’t either. Maybe that’s why our swallows haven’t come back. Perhaps they have decided that it is just not warm enough here. At least we didn’t have to go out in a boat around the port on Teesside which our Master had to do yesterday with his work. It was not the sort of day you want to be on a small boat on the sea, not if you value keeping your feet dry anyway.
Ari said could I send get well soon wishes to his sister Dora. She has to have a major operation on her knee and it really doesn’t sound very nice. Your mum and brother and all the rest of us really hope you get well soon. You do need to listen when they tell you to rest. It’s the only way to get better.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
We told Dora you were all thinking of her and she says thank you. She likes her new HUGE crate she but would prefer not to have the operation and keep her small cosy crate.
Woof, Ari says she could share his huge crate to make it cozier, but something tells me that might be a bad idea. He can get up to enough mischief on his own. Have a woofly day.