Wednesday 27th May 2015 – Much as we like wildlife…

We are big fans of wildlife, it’s just that the wildlife seems to be getting bigger and making a lot of noise knocking to come in. The crows seem unimpressed with the teddy bears on the landing window sill and I found one sitting looking at the bear, moving his head from side to side as though he was trying to make out what it was. Now they seem to have moved onto the office roof, except |I think that may be the pigeons rather than the crows. At least they are quieter in their cooing rather than making a raucous cawing sound. There were ducks on the office roof the other day and I don’t even want to begin to think about what they were trying to do, judging from the extent and nature of the quacks. We’d really like all the nice little birds back rather than the big noisy ones. I suppose at least the big ones are a match for Shadow and she doesn’t tend to catch them.

Then there’s the squirrel. He’s been burying his nuts amongst the parsnips again. We stand little chance of any of the crops turning into food we can eat at this rate. The cherry tree has a fly that’s eaten all the leaves. We’re losing the battle. It makes it harder to solve problems like that when you’re trying to do everything organically. There comes a point at which you can almost understand the attraction of chemicals… until you realise you later end up eating some of them and then it’s not so good.

The humans have started cycling. We’ve got a village cycle ride coming up and it’s acted as an impetus for the less fit ones to take action. I’m getting tired just watching them. Our Mistress is quite happy pottering for a few miles, but I think our Master has visions of rather longer distances. I just hope he doesn’t lose our Mistress on route.

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