Aristotle’s paranoia is making me laugh. Once you see the red-legged partridges as part of a conspiracy you start seeing support for it all around you. We now have a crow that has taken to sitting on the porch pecking at the landing window. It woke my Mistress up yesterday morning. Ari now thinks they read his diary entry yesterday and have come to complain. Now I don’t know why the crow is suddenly pecking at the window, but I certainly don’t think it has anything to do with what Aristotle’s been saying!
We’d have already been awake when the crow started pecking if we hadn’t stayed up so late watching the Eurovision Song Contest. I really don’t understand the way most of the humans vote, but it was nice to fall asleep in front of something knowing that I had dog friends falling asleep in front of it right across Europe. I was laughing with my Mistress about when we lived in Belgium and managed to find it being broadcast on three or four different television stations and not one of them was in English. I can’t remember which we watched now, but she missed the witty commentary that accompanies the English broadcast. I guess when hardly anyone votes for us we need something to compensate.
With having visitors, our walks started rather earlier in the day than usual. It was so they could all go out for a while without feeling guilty. Now I don’t like to split hairs, but I don’t expect to be asked to go for a walk at any time before 11am and so asking if I wanted to go out at only 8am is something they really should feel guilty about. I’ve always needed my beauty sleep and I have to build up to the idea of facing the world. These things can’t be rushed.
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