Now I don’t mean to be alarmist, but I think the red-legged partridges are spies. I think they’re watching our movements. More to the point, I think they are watching our Mistress. Everywhere she goes they seem to be there. Now I know when you know what something is you start recognising it everywhere you go, but she swears there were not red-legged partridges everywhere last year. She saw them on the airfield when she was walking Shadow and then down the road when she was going to the tip and then the pair of them were sitting at the end of our driveway watching for her coming home. I want to know who they’re working for and what in particular they are reporting. I’m trying to work out whether to do my duty and try to foil their plans or whether to become a double agent and see if I can get paid for providing them with more information.
Our Master thinks I may be overreacting, but he’s not the one being watched. I’m sure they don’t follow him to work to watch his movements. I’ve discussed it with Shadow as she is the one most often watching the front garden and I’ve asked her to report back on their activities. The two on sentry duty seem to spend quite a bit of time going under the weigela plant so I’m wondering if that’s their communications post. I suppose the fact that they’ve invaded the airfield might be alarming, but it’s better than the crows who have been in possession for the last couple of years. Quite honestly murder is an understatement for their recent activities particularly in relation to the ducklings on the village pond. We don’t seem to have any this year and that will all be down to the crows. Any sensible duck will have moved somewhere safer like Gressingham.
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