We have not seen our family of swallows this year, nor those that nest under the eaves of next door. We wouldn’t have been worried but for a friend telling us that some of their swallows had come back two weeks ago. Now, I don’t know whether swallows have access to the internet, but if anyone knows where are swallows are would you please let them know that we’re thinking of them and hoping they’ve had a good winter. We hope they are all well and not finding the journey too tiring. We also hope more than anything that no ill fortune has befallen them and they will be home with us safe and sound soon. We will all be very sad if they don’t come back, they were really rather important part of our summer last year, particularly when they came into the office to visit. I think our Mistress has plans in hand to try to stop them accidentally flying in at the back door this year.
Rather oddly we do seem to have a couple of red-legged partridges nesting in our front garden. Worryingly when I looked them up in the Internet the first thing that came up was recipes of how to cook them. I really don’t want them to be alarmed. I’m rather enjoying watching them and would not be at all happy to find someone eating them. I’m discouraging Shadow from going out, although I know she has been watching them! They could probably run away from her at the moment anyway. Her leg is not so good again. How she’s going to be for being in her first dog show I really don’t know. She is excited that our Mistress has ordered her a special collar and lead, but I don’t think limping round the ring is going to impress the judge!
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