Thursday 30th April 2015 – By popular demand

2015-04-25 233For those of you who know my Mistress on facebook, you’ll realise she got there before me and lots of people seem to like the photograph of her with Aristotle that she is now using as her profile. Well, I’m not to be beaten. Over the coming days I’ll bring you one or two of my favourite photos from our photo shoot. It does seem a little hypocritical given what a bad mood I was in on the day, but even given that, some of them haven’t turned out too badly. It was just one of those days when I was having a grump with everyone, including my Mistress, which has only happened about   three times in the last nine years, so I guess I’ll be forgiven, but the timing wasn’t great. I’ll start with this one today. To be honest, I’m not sure which of us has gone more grey since I had my photo shoot before. My ‘brown’ bits and my Mistress’s hair were quite similar in shade then and five and half years later they still are, it’s just a different colour! I suppose that growing old together is better than growing old on your own.

Spring seems to have completely disappeared and my Mistress has gone back to having a log fire blazing in the office. That’s not something I’m going to complain about and was more than happy to curl up for a nap. It’s holding back the gardening as she doesn’t see the point in going out in the cold and rain any more than she absolutely has to and the gardening does not fall into that category! In my book, going for a walk doesn’t fall into that category either. I’ve made a suggestion that we don’t leave the house on any occasion when the actual temperature, or the ‘feels like’ temperature falls below 10 degrees centigrade. I did put in a bid for 15 but I was told that was unrealistic when living in the UK.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE

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