Thursday 26th March 2015 – An Alarming Turn of Events

Last year we were aware that there were pigeons nesting in the tree just near our office window, but this year it is far worse. They were actually mating there yesterday. They were making a dreadful racket and flapping about. It quite distracted me from my nap. I told Ari he shouldn’t be watching, but of course you know what youngsters are like when you tell them things like that. Our Mistress is desperately waiting for the swallows to return and hoping they make the journey safely. They’re not likely to be back for another month or more, so she’s got a little time to wait. The nest box in the garden is already active with sparrows going to and fro doing nest repairs.  If it weren’t so cold at night you could really start to believe that spring is here. Two of the new vegetable troughs are in position and yesterday we were able to watch our mistress going up and down the garden with barrow loads of soil and compost to start to fill them. She said it was harder work than it looked and I have to say it looked pretty bad. It took lots of trips as she’s only got a small wheelbarrow. She worked on the basis when she bought it that there was no point getting one she couldn’t move when it was full. One of her more sensible decisions!

The Vet has confirmed that following analysis in the lab my lump is definitely just another fatty deposit. This growing older lark really is filled with inconveniences. I wish I’d appreciated my youth more when I still had it, but alas those days are behind me. I told Ari he should make the most of this phase of his life he’ll never feel as good as he does right now. Actually if you thought too hard about that it could be quite depressing.

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