Wednesday 4th March 2015 – On My Way to Crufts

Well all you lovely people, I’m coming to meet my public. If you aren’t doing anything on Friday afternoon, Saturday or Sunday, I will be sitting waiting to meet you in our stand at Discover Dogs. We will be in Hall 3A at stand W12 (the W stands of Working Dogs and there should be a big sign saying that hanging above the area). Anyway, it’s across to the right as you come into Hall 3A. Now, While I think about it you can pat me and stroke me, but please don’t play with my ears. I’ve got this odd piece of cartilage which means it hurts when people do that. On the other paw, I’ll love you forever for a tummy rub and do anything for you for a bottom scratch! We will be supporting Basil (Torfheide Beethoven) on Friday afternoon when he’s in the show ring. Go Basil! There will be others of our breed (Entlebucher Mountain Dog) coming from other countries, but I don’t know their names yet.

There are so many things there to buy that I’ve been putting together my wish list. I’ve added a dog hoist for Shadow so that our Mistress can help her with the stairs until her leg is better. I’m hoping for something a little more exciting than that, but I guess at my age that is probably unlikely and I do have most of the things I need. Food would be good. I can always find room for a little more food!

I shall be sharing our stand with a number of different dogs. I just hope they are going to be nice to me. I wish Bella were coming, then I’d really be looking forward to it and I wouldn’t be worrying at all as I know she’d look out for me.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

You can find short stories to read at

1 Comment

  1. Have a great time Alfie. I will not be there this year but will be thinking of you. See you at the AGM and fun day. Please send my love to Shadow, hope she is resting and her leg gets better quickly. Love Dickens X

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