Tuesday 24th February 2015 – The Edit

You wouldn’t believe how difficult it is to find good bits from the filming to put into the Party Political Broadcast. I now understand why many hours of filming can end up on the cutting room floor. It made me wonder why we never see an ‘outtakes’ film from political broadcasts. Can you imagine how much more fun it would be to see the bloopers from filming than the actual thing? I was thinking once I get the real thing completed maybe I should put our outtakes together. There would be bits like Aristotle in his apron stopping to lick his bottom when he was supposed to be pretending to work and him trying to jump over the gate that was supposed to be showing him being kept out of somewhere. I’m guessing we could get a bigger audience for those bits than the real thing! Anyway, for now they won’t be making the cut and I’m looking for the footage that worked. I have to say, I was the only one who totally took the filming seriously and I did my scenes in just two takes. Shadow still has one of her scenes to do, but we need it to stop raining first as that will be filmed outdoors. I wonder if the other parties have as much difficulty as this in putting their broadcasts together.

It’s a very different week than the one we were hoping for. It would have been next weekend that Shadow was having her puppies if everything had gone to plan. She isn’t too down in the mouth about it, but our Mistress says she’d like to have been looking forward to little paws padding around. Mind you, I don’t think she minds sleeping in a proper bed rather than in the utility with Shadow. Shadow said much the same thing when she tried getting into my bed last night. I did say sharing wasn’t ok even if she isn’t pregnant. She sulked and got back into her own bed.

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