Saturday 24th January 2015 – Good News

Sharing our Mistress

It’s Ari here. Alfie is putting his paws up for the weekend again so you have to put up with me. He got his test results yesterday and asked me to tell you all. His lumps is a fatty lump, totally benign and not a problem unless it gets bigger. He’s got several of them so hopefully they won’t cause him any problems. However his blood test showed his white cell count is low, so he may have had a viral infection, which would explain why he wasn’t so happy when I bounced on him. He’s a little anaemic too, but apparently that can be a result of the sedative. They have told him he needs a repeat blood test in two weeks, but as he’s already booked in for stage two of his annual vaccinations he can have that at the same time. We were all very relieved and he said he felt justified to have a few extra naps to get over his possible virus. He said he’s had a stressful week and having the weekend off would be a great help.

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