Monday 19th January 2015 – I’m Back

It has been lovely having a weekend away with my Mistress. I think the break has done me good. In the end I didn’t actually get to see Bella. She has a new human baby to look after in the house and is being very protective. Much as she loves me, our Mistress didn’t want to risk her being too protective and getting cross with me. I had a good sniff of my Mistress after she’d seen them and sent Bella my love and promised I would see her soon. She’s being amazing, Bella that is. If the baby starts to cry she goes immediately makes sure her human responds. It reminded me of the sandcastle exhibition years ago in Belgium, where there was a baby crying as a sound effect and I got very distressed because I couldn’t do anything about it. Anyway, the best bit is that Bells is alerting her human two minutes before the baby fills her nappy every time. Just imagine how easy that should make toilet training when the time comes. Keep up the good work, Bella, you’re a natural and just wait until you have your own puppies to look after. My Mistress was crying when she was driving back in the car. I asked her what was wrong and she said she was really happy. I’ll never understand humans. She’s happy because she is to be Godmother to the baby and she’s always wanted to be a Godmother. It was lovely seeing her so very happy and the good news for me is that it should give me more chances to see Bella.

Don’t forget there’s still time to enter Ari’s competition from Saturday and win yourself your very own free Pawsome Box. We did all love it, so it’s worth it.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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