Wednesday 10th December 2014 – Snow

Well there’s snow in Switzerland so it is a good thing my Mistress will have winter tyres on. She’s going to get them fitted this morning. Shadow is now at 25 weeks since her last season and she is still making us wait. If she starts any time in the next week and a half then my Mistress is unlikely to be home for Christmas. We just need to wait to see. Of course it might be after that and Shadow won’t give us any clues at all.

Our Mistress isn’t very well and has almost lost her voice at the moment. It makes it quiet round the house, but also means she doesn’t feel like walking so far with all of us. I said I’ll swap my walk for cuddling up in front of the fire so we’re both quite happy about that.

Ari came back from swimming yesterday delighted that he won’t have to go again until the new year and laughing because I still have to go next week. I didn’t like to point out that once I’d been next week I’d be having just as long a break as he is.

He surprised us all when we were watching TV the other night. We’ve all been watching a comedy series a little bit each day. Well, the previous night there had been a dog on the scene and Ari was rather anxious about it. The following night the dog wasn’t even on the tv, but they went to the scene in the flat that the dog lives in and Ari immediately got up and went and stood up close to the tv set waiting for the dog to appear and making clear it was his territory. On the one paw our Mistress was impressed that he recognised and remembered the scene but on the other paw I wasn’t impressed that he did not realise it wasn’t in our lounge!

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