Tuesday 2nd September 2014 – Nuts

Squirrel 008My Mistress and I delighted in watching a squirrel in our back garden yesterday. He was going round checking the points he had buried his nuts, digging some up and reburying them in different places. He was hard at work for so long that our Mistress had time to get her camera and telephoto lens set up and she took some lovely pictures. He was looking a very healthy squirrel so hopefully he’ll be off to a good start for the winter. We will start putting some extra food out for him if it gets cold and frosty, in case he wakes up and feels peckish or can’t get to his own nuts.

Shadow is feeling a lot better. I don’t know what the vet put in the injections that she gave Shadow last weekend but they certainly seem to have done the trick and she is full of bounce and eating well again. She made such good progress that my Mistress has decided that she will be able to take her for her eye test tomorrow and if all continues to go well then I will be going on holiday with her, which is a big relief. Shadow even went for a nice walk yesterday and wasn’t completely worn out at the end of it.

Both my Master and Mistress are in the pantomime in our village this year. My Master is playing Captain Hook. My Mistress, deciding it was better coming from her, rather than me reading the script, told me that despite the fact the Peter Pan is supposed to have a dog in it, although often the part is played by a human, there isn’t a dog in this one anywhere. What is the world coming to when parts that are written for dogs are written out altogether? No wonder so many dog actors are out of work, or moonlighting as sniffer dogs while they wait for their big break.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com