I am starting to really want to know why the birds are behaving differently towards us this year. I don’t know whether there are simply more of them nesting around our garden but yesterday there was a sparrow sitting on the window ledge peering in to the office. It kept moving to get a better vantage point, but the whole time it was getting as close as it could to the glass. You don’t think the robin has told it about his experience and now the sparrow wants to come in do you? Some of the furniture is in a slightly different position than it was last summer so it may be because of that. I suppose when the easy chair was right by the window it probably made it more obvious that it was not a flight path. It is now by the fireside instead. Perhaps we should move it to the window for the summer and then back to the fireside for the winter.
I’m pleased with how my manifesto is coming on. I’m writing the section on Canine Rights and the need for them to be enshrined in law. There is so much I could say about the levels of injustice to our kind, but I’m having to keep it to a modest length. My Mistress said I should not set out to bore the reader, but how could they be bored when reading about the injustices done to dogs? It should be at the heart of their thinking, human and dog alike. Apparently not everyone shares my political views, but I find that surprising. Hopefully once they have read our manifesto that will be addressed and they will come round to a sensible viewpoint.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com