Saturday 2nd August 2014 – Birds

That Goldfinch only went and told his friends about coming into the office. Yesterday we had a robin come in saying he didn’t want to be left out. He was a bit nervous about asking to have a fly round but was happy to hop onto my Mistress’s hand so she could show him where the window was at the end. We seem to be building up a whole collection of visitors this year. I don’t know what is different. In three years we only ever had a couple of pigeons come in and now we’ve had a swallow a goldfinch and a robin in just a few weeks. I suppose with the warm weather the door may have been open more, but I don’t think it had been open much more than normal.

I’m proud to say that yesterday I was told I had become a better swimmer than Aristotle. He was none too pleased, but it’s mainly because he’s lazy and doesn’t use his back legs in the pool, whereas I do. I’ve even mastered cornering and that was something we never thought would happen.

Shadow managed to dodge the storms for her walk with Cinderella. They had a lovely time. Cinderella is a real water baby so was playing in the stream. Apparently Shadow was really funny and really protective of her daughter. Most of the time you would not know that Shadow cared. She’s not a demonstrative mother and doesn’t feel any need to tell her children she loves them. However, when a man stoked Cinderella Shadow saw it as her duty to bark at him to warn him off and when a boy Labrador wanted to play with Cinders, Shadow actually went and rounder her up and stood between her and the boy so he couldn’t get near her. You hear about these parents that don’t think anyone is good enough for their daughter but it’s the first time I’ve seen it in practice.

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