Yesterday was very quiet as Ari and I were both very tired. When I went for a walk I’d only gone about a third of the way in one direction when I stopped and said ‘No, I just don’t want to do this today.’ Fortunately when I looked up at my Mistress she completely understood and so we pottered back to the car. We’d just had too much excitement over the weekend and it all caught up with us. Then Ari had to go and have his rabies jab, so he wasn’t best pleased about that. He said it just added insult to injury.
Shadow is making up for her delayed season by spending longer than normal wanting to mate. She just won’t leave me alone. My Mistress has no choice but to put her in the other room. Everywhere I tried to curl up she would be there, with her bottom pointing in my direction. It is not what you need on a day you just want to nap.
Apart from having to cope without her while my Mistress goes to America, I think I’ve got an exciting summer ahead. I’ve already told you we are all going for a weekend in a log cabin and I think I told you that I’m going to Switzerland later in the year and hoping to meet my father’s human. Now it seems I might be getting a trip to The Netherlands as well. My Mistress is hoping to go for a few days and if all goes to plan will visit one of my half-sisters. She said it seemed most appropriate that I should accompany her and I wasn’t going to say no to that. She needs to make sure the people she wants to see will actually be around before she can tell me for certain but I’m cautiously excited.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com