Friday 6th June 2014 – No walk today

What could be worse, now I’ve taken to enjoying my walks again, than to be told that there is no walk today? It’s worse than it sounds at first hearing. The reason there is no walk is not because we are doing something I would enjoy but because I have to go swimming. Today both Ari and I have swimming slots one after the other. I know I should be grateful and it was starting swimming that gave me back some of my vigour and a desire to start going for walks again, but I’m over that now. I don’t need to keep swimming. My Mistress says she doesn’t want me to get my old terror of the water back, but what does she think the look on my face is when I go now? That is certainly not a grimace of pleasure. I suppose I should be grateful that she is not making me go every week, unlike Ari I will only now be going every three weeks ‘just to remind me it’s ok’. Who is she trying to kid? It’s water, it will never be ok!

Rather surprisingly, Shadow’s season has still not started. It is now over 33 weeks since her last one and she has never gone this long. She had all the symptoms that it was going to start a few weeks ago, but she is completely over all that now and is back to normal, if Shadow can ever be described as normal. Frankly I find anything quite that bouncy to be too disconcerting to be regarded as normal! She is hoping that she hasn’t got to go through the whole hair shedding thing again in the next few weeks as in her opinion she’s only just got her looks back and doesn’t want to lose them again too soon.

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