Today the puppies are five weeks old. To celebrate they don’t get a cake they get their second lot of worming treatment and no more baby food in the mix of food. They slept last night from 10pm right through until 7.20 this morning when they woke my Mistress saying breakfast would be appreciated. They went about their meal with gusto and enjoyed it as only puppies can, coming out with it all over everywhere but mainly eaten. Shadow wasn’t feeling very well yesterday, nothing specific just under the weather. She still wanted to go in to them but wasn’t keen to stay long. We can tell she is feeling better this morning as she was much more tolerant of the puppies.
They almost entirely poo in one corner of the pen, which make cleaning up after them much easier. However, they have reached the age where they try to climb my Mistress’s legs so she needs to go in either when they are busy sleeping or when they are eating. She takes her life in her hands at other times.
The only problem with them sleeping right through is that they don’t then want to go back to sleep after breakfast. That’s the time my Mistress likes to weight them and clean out the pen and she can only do that easily when they are sleepy. So she sits and waits…
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