Thursday 12th December 2013 – Bed Rest

You’d think being told you have to take 48hrs bed rest would be ideal, but as it turns out it isn’t. For a start, it has only been prescribed because Aristotle jumped on my and I have hurt my neck. I’ve hurt it so badly that any movement makes me squeal in pain. I squealed so loud on the way to the vet that my Mistress nearly crashed the car. Our wonderful vet, who saw me even though it wasn’t normal hours, gave me a sedative to help me rest and take the edge off the pain and if it is not better this morning I have to go back. It was one of those flash points that my Mistress is now cross with herself for not seeing in advance. Hormonal dog had come back from her walk and wanted food, Aristotle came out of his crate after being in there while they were walking. He was excited. He was fed up the food was not for him and he was looking for entertainment. I was the entertainment. He doesn’t think it’s quite so funny now and is feeling pretty bad about it, not as bad it has to be said as I am! My Mistress has brought my lovely new comfy bed downstairs and put it in the other room where I can get some peace. It’s just that I want to be close to her, but it’s not practical for me to be with the other dogs or for them to be in here. I was only just getting over the pulled muscles in my back, I really don’t need anymore. My idea of bed rest would be to snuggle up next to my Mistress, just her and me and no disturbances. I do think I’m lucky to have such a good vet – no one could ask for better care.

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