Wednesday 27th November 2013 – A good day

Yesterday was a good day. The vet said that I am improving and I can reduce my doses of medication. She also checked my heart and said it is no worse with a good slow rate. I try to maintain the image of the chilled out dog, I don’t always do it but there’s no harm in trying. Then the vet went to get us the most recent price list from one of their veterinary suppliers. A company which quite by coincidence is based very near where Ari goes swimming. They are called Animalcare Ltd. You might wonder why I’m telling you this and it really isn’t just the ramblings of a troubled mind. On the cover there was a picture of an Entlebucher. Quite a handsome chap. My Mistress immediately realised it was none of the UK dogs. With only 41 of use she tends to know what we all look like. Anyway, she rang the company and introduced herself and their marketing lady contacted the agency to see where the photograph had come from. It was a Russian dog that was on a stock photography site. They didn’t even know it was one of us – but you can rest assured they do now.

This afternoon my Mistress is going to be on BBC Radio York talking about her most recent book – The Lifetracer. It’s a crime novel which is set in and around York. If you want to listen it will be about 4pm on the Elly Fiorentini show My Mistress is a wee bit nervous, but I said she was fine last time and to be fair no one local seems to have heard her so it doesn’t really matter if she makes a complete fool of herself! She seems to think differently but I have no idea why!

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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