Saturday 2nd November 2013 – Sinking

There comes a point when you are out of your depth when it doesn’t matter whether you are 2 feet under or 200 feet down, the result is exactly the same. My Mistress is a reasonably bright individual, or so she thought until this week! She decided to enrol for a free online genetics course in order to understand us better. The course says it should need 6 – 8 hours a week of study and ‘some’ biology background is needed. My Mistress concluded that ‘some’ might mean that even though she doesn’t have a biology background she might be able to catch up quickly – how wrong she was. At the point at which the background reading used long words she didn’t understand to explain other long words she didn’t understand, even ahead of the course actually starting, she concluded that she may not have the required background. From what she can see so far it would take her between 60 and 80 hours a week to just get onto the same page as the other students. She says she will try to keep going at least a little bit, but does not see a great deal of point in entering the tests, not if the initial assessment was anything to go by. I said she’d be better sitting down with us for that time and I’d tell her everything I knew about us. This all started because of Shadow. Our Mistress has observed that Shadow must carry the gene which causes our tails to curl too far and it seems to present in half of her puppies. My Mistress wants to understand why none of Shadow’s brothers have the problem and nor does she personally. She also wants to know if there is anything she can do in selecting mates for Shadow to minimise the risk. Ah well, maybe she is stuck with relying on those who are more expert than she is.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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1 Comment

  1. Roooo sounds like your human is enjoying her genetics course *Waggy tail*.
    Ask her to give Cleo’s human a call, I *think* she’s into biology – and she might be able to teach her the basics…

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