Thursday 12th September 2013 – Yuck

‘There’s tooth in my cereal, Alfie. That’s gross. I wonder whose it is.’ Now given that my Mistress makes her own cereal and it’s quite hard to hide a large section of tooth inside a frozen blueberry, in my book there were no prizes for what was going to happen next! ‘Oh, no. My tooth has broken.’ There she sat, cereal bowl in one hand and half a tooth in the other. It wouldn’t be so bad if it hadn’t left a very sharp pointy bit behind. That was yesterday. Now given that my Mistress hates going to dentist as much as I hate water, she has been counting down the hours to her appointment this afternoon. It’s going to be a close run thing between her getting to the dentist and impaling herself on the remaining piece of tooth.

Bird feederFor her birthday last month, one of my Mistress’s presents was a wonderful bird feeder that looks like a detached three storey townhouse. Obviously it’s on a smaller scale than the real thing, or we would have moved into it by now. Anyway, it’s designed for small birds to use and she has hung it from the summer house. It’s taken them a couple of weeks but they have now discovered it and decided it is safe. A little queue of birds lines up along the roof of the summer house and take it in turns to stand on the perches to feed. The best bit is, because of where it is hanging my Mistress can see if from her desk without having to move. She has got her binoculars out and her telephoto lens and is getting happily side-tracked bird-watching when she should be working. At least it’s cheering her up. She was feeling quite down after the tooth incident.

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