Tuesday 10th September 2013 – Not hard done to

My Mistress has insisted I correct something I said yesterday. Apparently it was unreasonable that I left you with the impression that I had been hard done to by not being ‘allowed’ to have my photograph taken with the train. She pointed out that last time I went near a steam train and they blew the whistle I jumped a mile and then sat quaking and begged her never to make me stand near a steam train again. Apparently I can’t have it both ways. If I don’t want to stand near a steam train then I can’t complain when I don’t get my photograph taken with one. Oh how wrong she is. I can complain! It may be unfair and unjustified but like any other child in this family I am entitled to change my mind.

Megan and Shadow went out for a walk together, which doesn’t happen so often these days. Shadow came home and concluded that she needs to work on her exercise regime and got quite fed up that Megan was able to outrun her at every turn. I have volunteered to help her eat her breakfast to assist with a trimming of her waistline. Given I am in the peek of condition at the moment  I don’t think it would do too much harm to lend her a hand.

We heard that Dickens won first place in his classes at the Richmond Championship Dog Show at the weekend. That means he has now qualified for Crufts as well as his brother Basil and half-sister Addie. It also mean more points for Shadow in the best brood bitch category. Can you imagine how insufferable she’d be if she won? It would be all right as long as she doesn’t need to make an acceptance speech. Not a lot goes through her head, can you imagine what she might come out with?

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com