Wednesday 31st July 2013 – Megan is a happy dog

Megan is one happy dog. A while ago she posed to be the Entlebucher Club logo and now her face is starting to appear on all sorts of club merchandise. As you can imagine, our Mistress has already ordered some things for herself. Not only that but there are now Club car stickers with her picture on too and all club members have been sent one. That means Megan’s face is appearing in cars all over the place. She says it helps to make up for the difficulty she’s had with having puppies. Ari said he’s already on Entlebucher on Board hanger that my Mistress had made especially for her car and I don’t mind as it’s my photo on the big canvas picture and the mouse mat on her desk. Shadow said she’s happy just having lots of lovely little puppies so that’s all of us sorted. It makes a change for none of us to envy the others.

Granny’s birthday went well and it only rained a little bit. She’s having her Birthday Party Lunch on Sunday and I think she’s really looking forward to that. I’m not invited to that either, which is a shame. I hope my Mistress isn’t going to make too much of a habit of going to places without me. At least I’m going on holiday and even though it’s on a boat I’m really counting down the days. Megan and Shadow will be in charge at home, but then they’re girls, so I don’t suppose it will be in too much of a mess when we come back. I’d be getting so much more excited if we weren’t going on a boat. As long as Ari doesn’t try to make me go swimming with him then I think I’ll be ok.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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