Wednesday 10th July 2013 – 27 degrees

Yesterday it was 27 degrees.  My Mistress has decided that at last it is warm enough! In consideration for Megan who has a thicker coat than the rest of use however, she has bought a special dog cooling jacket for her to wear on her walks. It’s weird as it works by holding moisture near the dog and you don’t let the coat dry out. You even have to put it away wet and that is an odd thing to do! Anyway, it’s blue in colour and Megan says she likes it. She’s saying quite a lot at the moment, much of it at the top of her voice but we’re finding some sort of balance. There’s room for improvement though.

My Mistress says that next week she’s going to try some noise desensitisation with us all. She doesn’t want us to react if the phone rings or when people come into the room. At the moment, because we live such a quiet lifestyle we can be very jumpy at the slightest noise. So we have to look forward to a week of random noises!

I thought you might like to hear how Amigo is doing. He’s come on so much and put all his past problems behind him. He’s now in a home that is settled and loving and where he is treated with the right level of firmness and understanding. We’re so proud of how hard he has worked to turn things round. He has just spent a few days with our friend’s grandchildren staying and she has taken some lovely photographs of Amigo living up to his name with the children and my favourite of him standing very proudly next to the baby girl. He was very sad when they all went home and spent his time going round the house looking for them.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

You can find short stories to read at