Alfie said that because I have so much to tell you I could write his diary day and maybe even tomorrow. I couldn’t write yesterday’s as I spent almost all day asleep recovering from my hard work.
Everyone is saying they are really proud of me and that I have grown up into a fine dog. My Mistress is even saying that I may train as a therapy dog. The only thing I need to improve on its learning not to pull on the lead. The excitement started on Thursday when we had to get up early to go to the station. I remembered to go to the toilet before we went out and had my breakfast. There were one or two little problems at the station, firstly my Master could not work out how to make the car park machine work and then we found that my rucksack would not fit over my harness so my Master had to carry it. I did bark at one man that I thought was approaching our car, I hadn’t understood that he had to go past our car to get to the station. Even though it was only 8 o’clock in the morning the station seemed quite busy, fortunately my Master and Mistress seemed to know what they were doing. Our train came in on platform three and we managed to find some seats that hadn’t been reserved. My Mistress sat by the window and wanted me to sit by her feet, but the hot air blower and really cramped space meant that I said I’d rather sit on the aisle side. I sat by my Master’s feet and he helped to make sure that my nose didn’t get run over when the trolley came past. When the train stopped at each station I thought we were going to get off so I got up ready only to be told that we had to wait rather longer before we would get to our station. When we did it was a very big station and a little bit scary. Some of the trains were very noisy and they came in and out of the platforms. We managed to go upstairs and find which platform our next train went from and that one was to take us to Birmingham International station. I liked that train rather more. The seats were further apart and I could sit between my master and mistress and had plenty of room. It was only a short walk from the station into the National exhibition Centre and fortunately we were right near where our stand was for discover dogs. Our stand looked really good, so much better than it had been last year. There was a big logo in the middle with Megan’s picture and it made me realise how much I miss her. I can’t wait for her to come home so I can tell her all about my excitement.
I’ll tell you all about the exciting things that happened on the stand when I write tomorrow, but the other really exciting thing that happened on Thursday was that I got to go on the air rail link to Birmingham airport so that we could get to our hotel. It’s sort of like a train but it’s on rails that are high above the ground, I couldn’t really see out of the window very well and I think I’m glad that I couldn’t. I think it might have been little bit scary. I’ll tell you everything else tomorrow, it’s time for me to go and have my sleep now.
Love to all my friends, Aristotle.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com