Wednesday 2nd January 2013 – The Great Outdoors

Basil and Tess

Yesterday the weather was finally good enough for the puppies to sample the great outdoors. Some were more confident than others. Tess was a little overwhelmed, Tucker took it in his stride, but all of them when they were picked up to come back inside just flopped in my Master and Mistress’s arms relieved that the ordeal was over. And to a pup, they all needed to do a very large poo when they got back inside. I tried telling them they would get used to it and on dry days would grow to like it, but they all said for now they prefer what they are used to. It was the highlight of the day, my Mistress spent most of the rest of it in bed ill and not to do with any alcohol either as she hadn’t had any of that. Mind you I suppose if I’m being honest the highlight for me and Aristotle was getting into bed with her.


The puppies were going to move onto their big feeding bowls at teatime but we decided they had had enough new things for a few hours and postponed it until bedtime. They will start to change their food from tomorrow to the main puppy food from the ‘puppy starter’ food. We need to get them changed over in time to go to their new homes next week. It’s the last big change of food they will experience for a while. They are all doing so well that I think they will be ready to move onto the next stages of their lives next week.

Obviously there are no weights today as I gave you those in the update yesterday lunchtime. You will have to wait until tomorrow to know how much they have grown.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

You can find short stories to read at