Now you may think this is petty, however, a while ago a writer in the dog press, who will remain nameless, asked my Mistress for information on our breed for an article he was writing. He then reproduced what she wrote, without alteration, under his own name. Given that she also earns her living from writing, she was furious, but there was little she could do, except… She saves all her dog newspapers for the puppy pen and tries to make sure his picture and articles are uppermost for the puppies to pee and poo on to their hearts’ content! It’s a small gesture but she has a long memory and plans many litters of puppies!

My Mistress was looking at some pictures of last year’s puppies and remembered they had a big blue ball. Now she’s trying to find what we’ve done with the big blue ball! She thinks it might be under the settee in the office and would look, if only Megan hadn’t eaten the torch. She’s going to try to move it later to see what’s underneath – not a pleasant job! However she has now given the puppies a couple of smaller balls and found few teething chews in the process. At the other end of the scale the Christmas tree has had to be thrown out. Not the one in the pot, but the indestructible toy that the puppies had that turned out to be entirely destructible! It was past repair. Fortunately Polar Bear and Owl are back from their stay in hospital, although Owl has been sent for a bath before being allowed back to play.
We aren’t sure how much longer we will weigh the puppies each day. They wriggle quite a lot and it is getting more and more difficult to get a reading. Everyone has gained weight again varying from Beija adding 50g taking her to 3800g to Tucker adding 160g taking him to 4280g and only 30g behind Dickens. Basil added 90g to reach 4050g and Tess added 110g to reach 4130g. They are all good healthy weights, and despite the fact they are not thrilled by being on 4 meals a day and ask for snacks at both 3pm and 7pm which were their old feeding times, they are all doing very well.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –
You can find short stories to read at
We love the picture of our little man! The blue hat has our scent on it, so pleased he is
getting used to us as well as the dogs. Sheila and Mark.