I’m trying to hold off going off the vet by pretending I’m ok. This morning my Mistress said we’d review the situation at lunchtime. Wish me luck!

Basil had his first proper time out with his toys from his new Mistress this morning. Until now he’s refused to stay calm and quiet in the little pen and we don’t want him to associate things with a distressing experience. Anyway today he decided he’d have a go. He played a one puppy game of tug with the little toy and then mountaineered over his bone. He said it was great fun. He wasn’t ready to settle down and have a sleep with it just yet, but said he’d think about that tomorrow.
The move towards puppy food is going a little too well. They don’t leave any for me anymore. We’ve had clean bowls for 3 meals running. Of course that is great news for their progress, but a little disappointing to me. Tucker is now 2680g having added 150g. Dickens is 2670g having added 80g. Britannia is 2660g having added 120g. Basil is a day’s growth behind at 2530g having added 150g and then our beautiful little Beija added 80g to reach2470g.
Today the puppies were going to be having elevenses and then would be eating at 3pm, 6.30pm and 10pm. At least if all goes to plan, which it didn’t yesterday. They get hungry. We had to get up at 3.30am again, which was not good!
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Ah so lovely to read the Pups progress and of course how Alfie and Shadow are… Really enjoying watching them grow and can’t wait to meet Basil, lucky girl is Robyn… And I know how delighted she is to soon become a mistress again! Wishing Alfie well x