Now I realise in the scheme if things this is probably not the biggest deal in the world, but it matters to me. Apparently there is a world shortage of the hide that goes into making the chews I love so much. There are two effects of this. Firstly our normal supplier has been out of stock and fortunately given that we are good customers has rung us to say he can let us have half the amount we normally order. However the second problem is that the price has gone up. I don’t care what it is – I’ll pay. Of course that would only be a relevant sentiment if I were the one who was paying and as I’m not sadly my Mistress did care how much it was and although she has ordered them has told me I am on reduced rations and need to make these last. At this point I think I shouldn’t have laughed at Megan going on a diet as she is now laughing at my despair at the reduction in my chew rations. At least she was until I pointed out that it meant her chew ration was being cut as well and she likes them just as much as I do. Ari is much easier to please. He’s as happy with a bone, an antler or whatever he’s given. He didn’t have the benefit of my puppyhood and the metre long chews we could buy in Belgium for €10 from the DIY store. They used to keep me amused for weeks and we’ve still got the marks on my favourite rug to prove it.
Shadow is doing really well. My Mistress gave her a thorough examination and she seems very healthy and everything is going to plan. Her earliest due date is only two weeks tomorrow so things are stepping up a gear on the preparation front and my Mistress is sorting through all the stuff to see if there is anything we need to order. It’s best to be prepared.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –
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