Friday 26th October 2012 – A hormonal ox

On the walk yesterday, Shadow seemed to have the strength of an Ox. I don’t know how many puppies she’s carrying, but they are going to be very strong when they all decide to pull in the same direction. Anyway, it wouldn’t have been so bad if she’d been a mild mannered oxen but she was a positively hormonal one, wanting to get to every smell, person, dog that she saw. I think she’s just excited and wants to tell the whole world that she’s pregnant again. It was hard work for my Mistress, particularly keeping her on a lead as she has to on that walk. By the time they all came home the girls were full of excitement and my Mistress was utterly worn out.

This seems like a good time to say what a wonderful man Alan Titchmarsh is. How good it was to see someone questioning the methods used by Cesar Milan in correcting dogs. I know we can be badly behaved but there is no need to use things that are little short of torture. Just do the things our mum’s do to put is in line. It works remarkably well and doesn’t end up causing any pain. It’s all very well saying we are pack animals and we need to know our place in the pack, but using an electric shock collar isn’t going to earn our respect. It’s bullying and we’ll do as we are told through fear not through respect. I’ve said before there are things that Cesar Milan says which are very good, but there are many things about us dogs that he has not fully understood. I guess I’m the prime example. When I misbehave it isn’t because I need to march across the countryside two steps behind my Mistress, it’s because she hasn’t had the time to cuddle me and make me feel valued. Now I’m sorry if you think a dog doesn’t think that way, but you only have to watch how much better I behave when I’ve had my morning cuddle than when I don’t and you’ll realise that having my Mistress’s undivided attention and love is what gives me security. Anyway, thank you Mr Titchmarsh, I’m making you an honorary member of the Pet Dogs’ Democratic Party with immediate effect.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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