Thursday 22nd March 2012 – Bones

Because we’d all been going through a bit of a rough time, me with my tablets and trapped nerve, Ari with his poorly leg, Megan being faced with a drug crazed dog, Shadow – well I’m sure she has her own problems, anyway because of all that my Mistress bought us each a marrow bone. We had to choose between the meaty one, the smoky bacon one, the tripe one or the chicken one. I chose smoky bacon. For half an hour there was complete silence in the house as we all chewed our respective bones. Actually, I say complete silence but I’ve never heard such a noisy chewer as Ari was will his meaty bone. He was as happy as Larry, except I don’t  know anyone called Larry! Sadly the peace was shattered by Megan being very very sick. We had to conclude that the chicken filling in her marrow bone and Megan were not well suited. On the brighter side it did mean Ari and I got her bone as well but poor Megan really deserved a better evening after all the trouble I’ve put her through. Ari, bless the little chap, has now appropriated three of the four bones in his bed. Heaven help him if he tries to relieve his mother of her one. I’ve seen what she can be like over being asked to share and it’s not her strong point. If nothing else we have one very contented puppy with a bed full of bones who is making some very loud chewing sounds. My Mistress has promised Megan an extra special walk to make up for it so I’m guessing they could be gone for a while. It means I have to supervise out little bone chewer, but there are worst things I could be doing with my time.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –