Yesterday the girls went for a romp through the paddy fields of the village. It isn’t that they are growing rice there. It’s more that what they are growing is having to contend with being under water. It made my Mistress realise what difficult conditions many farmers work under. While she was out I had another repayment of the loan we made to a farmer in Cambodia, which meant I had enough in my account to make a new loan to help someone else. When my Mistress told me about the local fields I made my mind up and have now lent a small amount to a lady in the Philippines who is farming rice and needs some fertilizer for her crop. You can take a look at all the other people who need support at
Whilst the girls were out there was an amazing rainbow over the village. I said if they’d

taken spades they could have set to digging for gold. Of course, the spades would have been for my master and mistress the girls would have been as happy using their paws. It looked as though it came down on what was the local airfield but is not a mix of housing and farmland. I’m sure if they had found the gold and been prepared to share it no one would have objected to strange people digging up their front garden.
I wasn’t completely idle while they were out. I was putting together the plan to market my new book. When I say ‘new’ it was available a while ago but then the whole puppy thing got in the way so I didn’t really get round to telling you about it. You can read all about it for yourself. Alfie’s Woods is the story of some of my puppyhood friends. Hedgehog was in prison for money laundering… but I’m telling you too much of the story. If you don’t buy it you could at least click the ‘like’ button J
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –
I’ve already read your book Alfie – it was pawsome! *waggy tail* I will email you about it in a bit!