Saturday 10th December 2011 – Stand up for the Beagles

Granny wanted to know why I hadn’t included Grey Friars Bobby in my dinner party, but in a similar vein there are many dogs known for their loyalty above and beyond anything that could be expected. It would be hard to choose which of them to invite and as I said yesterday, why would you choose a dog who was better than you at the main thing you are good at?

Today I want to write to you about something very different. Yesterday a friend sent my Mistress a most amazing video clip. We watched it together and cried It shows Beagles who have been rescued from an animal testing laboratory seeing the sun for the first time. It is unbelievable in this day and age that it is considered acceptable anywhere in the world to use dogs for scientific testing, keeping them in barbaric conditions. My Mistress wrote to her MP about it when she was ten. You would think that in the intervening 36 years the world might have seen sense, but it hasn’t. Anyway, it turns out there is a planning application being considered at the moment to build a massive factory to house dogs for animal testing not very far from where we live. The dogs will have no external exercise area.  They will have no socialisation and never know the love of a human. They will spend most of their lives in small crates.  The local planners have turned the proposal down, but they don’t have the power to stop it entirely. It is now with the Secretary of State for Consideration. Please follow this link to find the details and write to the Secretary of State to ask him to turn the application down.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

1 Comment

  1. That video made my humans cry too, Alfie. 🙁

    Being a Beagle, they told me I’m far too sensitive to watch it but I’m so glad to know that our humans are so concerned and are doing something about it.

    I can’t imagine never feeling grass under my feet, never rolling in the snow, never being free to be myself – and I don’t want to. Beagles are born to run, to eat, to play, to eat, to be spoiled, to eat, to sniff, to eat, to love – oh, and to eat…! 🙂

    In return we’re unconditionally loyal, affectionate, merry, playful, stubborn and unceasingly hungry members of the pack family. We don’t ask for much but socialisation and a humane environment are surely our basic rights?

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