It was great telling you yesterday that Aristotle was no longer the smallest, however Avril took it to heart and has spent the last 24 hours binging. No matter that Aristotle put on a creditable 60g since yesterday, taking him to 1280g, Avril piled on 170g in one day and weighs in at 1350g – she is now sleeping off her excesses. She actually overtook Adrienne who, after putting on nothing yesterday added 50g today. Arnold had a bad day and lost 10g, but as he’d put on 110g the day before we aren’t too worried. All that means is that Amigo is leaving everyone behind and is now 1560g, with Annette next at 1480g having put on 100g herself.
We also seem to have moved to a more regular four hourly feeding and no one crying afterwards. This is the joy of them all getting enough to eat. My Mistress is starting to believe that she will regain her sanity shortly and if it weren’t for Megan being fed up about her poorly paw, everyone would be happy.

Aristotle is as gorgeous as ever. He’s just as strong as the others and always trying to climb out in search of adventure. It really does seem to be time to move them to the nursery for a few hours. I love this picture of him looking as though he is thinking. I can see him having his own blog before we know it. The other picture shows him finding somewhere comfortable on top of the pile.