The good news is that with a little assistance Aristotle is gaining a little more and Avril is doing quite well. At official weigh in time Aristotle with a little help from some extra bottle feeding has increased by 16g. Here is a picture of him getting a helping hand.

He isn’t going to be bottle fed for every meal but is going to have a little extra 3 or 4 times a day, as will Avril until she catches up. Aristotle now weighs around 484g, whilst with the exception of Avril, everyone else is over 600g and Arnold is right up at 694g.
The other big change of the day is that Shadow has announced that unless we improve the comfort of the whelping box then she will not spend another minute in it. We have very quickly bought her three big pieces of vet bedding. She can have one piece in the box, one piece in the wash and one piece drying at all times. She said as her demands have been met so readily she’d also now like to move onto a diet of best steak, but my Mistress has drawn the line there. It was a nice try. It does mean our need for newspaper has been reduced, which in itself is a benefit, although will leave the puppies less well educated. So far they have had newspapers from Hawaii, Vancouver, Tokyo, Los Angeles and of course England. I know it sounds odd, but my Mistress used to collect newspapers and when we moved here she concluded it was either time to reinforce the loft or throw some of them out!
I’ll do you a video later when the puppies are awake. I’m hoping you can get to see them starting to put weight on their front paws. It is like watching the prequel to Bambi.
Come on Aristotle!! XX