Friday 2nd September 2011 – I’ve had an idea

I’ve had a great idea. I suddenly thought that people might like to see pictures of the whole puppy process. I went to Shadow and asked if I could have the rights to photograph the whole process from birth onwards. To be honest there were a few expletives from Shadow, something along the lines of ‘If you want to have photographs of yourself with your legs in the **** air, trying to push **** puppies out into the world, then feel free!’ Of course I pointed out that I couldn’t actually do that even if I wanted to, so the next best thing was to bring up to the minute news to her adoring public.

At the point I started to flatter her, I could see her weakening slightly so I carried on along that vein telling he how much her fans would enjoy being able to share in the miracle of new life with her. Then I had another sudden thought and said ‘What if I could work out a way to set up video streaming so that the world can look in on you and the puppies whenever they want?’ At that point there were a few expletives from my Mistress who is planning to sleep next to Shadow and doesn’t want to be filmed sleeping or broadcast snoring. She doesn’t look or sound her best at those times.

Anyway, now my challenge is to get the system set up and running and tell you all how you can view it. I wonder if my website has enough bandwidth for this or whether my Mistress will have to upgrade my package. I may have to speak very nicely to her. Perhaps if I promise to make sure she isn’t on camera it would help, although it would be much funnier if she were!

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –


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