Thursday 4th August 2011 – At last good news

Yesterday I became a dog who believes in miracles. We had been told that Shadow’s chip could not be read, by an official from the company that supplied the chip. Yesterday as my Mistress was driving towards York she had a phone call to say that a man in their laboratory had continued to work on the dead chip and had succeeded in extracting the number. My Mistress cried. Then she rang us and we all cried. She turned the car round and came home to discuss with us the plan for bringing Shadow home. It will take a couple of days for all the paperwork to be sorted, but tomorrow my Mistress will set off on the long drive back to Switzerland to be reunited with Shadow and bring her home.

Megan wants to throw a party for Shadow when she returns, but I said she might just prefer a nice quiet family gathering and the opportunity of a big group hug. I can’t begin to tell you how happy we all are. I did offer to go with my Mistress on the journey, but she doesn’t want any of us getting stuck out there before the rules change. It means I can start planning once again for how I can be a good surrogate parent to the puppies and we can go back to looking forward to the first litter under our ‘Torfheide’ kennel name. We need names beginning with an ‘A’ again rather than ones beginning with a ‘Y’. Shadow has asked for girls to be named after her breeder and her daughter Annette and Aileen. I tentatively raised a paw and asked if one could be named after my mother Anka too. My Mistress said we are getting a little ahead of ourselves and should wait for the result of her ultrasound examination first. That will all happen a little while after she is home and rested. In the meantime I need to look after everything here and eagerly await her return.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –