Friday 29th July 2011 – A note from Megan

Hello everyone, it’s Megan here. Alfie said I could write a little bit to tell you about my trip to Switzerland. It seems very mean of me to tell you how good it was after all the problems that poor Shadow has had, but for me it was a very good trip. It was great to see both my mum and my dad and also to play with my sister, who is six months younger than me. We are so alike. I met a brother from the same litter that she is from too and a half sister who is only 3 months old. I loved going for a run in the Swiss mountains with the family who were my breeders. It was so good to see them and I know they will be taking very special care of Shadow for us. We are getting to know the vet in Switzerland quite well too. He is a lovely man and he was very kind to all of us. My Mistress has said if Shadow has to stay for very long then I can go to see her in a while too, although my Mistress might have to make some trips without me and leave me to look after everyone here.

I had a really good time but it is great to be home, which also makes me feel guilty for Shadow. When Alfie and I saw each other again we just hugged each other and were glad to be together. It is going to be very strange without Shadow even if it is only for a few days. We didn’t really know what to do with ourselves. We just sat and talked about Shadow and all the little things she does that we miss. I know that she and I don’t always see eye to eye, but that doesn’t mean to say I don’t like having her around. I just hope she comes back soon. Alfie is inconsolable at the prospect of the puppies not being born here. He was looking forward to being a surrogate dad and even though I have promised to do my best to have some puppies so he can look after them, he had really got his hopes up about Shadow’s litter. He showed me a little piece of paper where he had been writing all the names beginning with an ‘A’ that he could think of for us to name them.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –