Saturday 2nd July 2011 – Vandals

Don’t you just hate this time of year in the garden? Oh the weather might be nicer and everything might be flowering, but you have to share the space with all the horrible teenagers and I don’t mean the human ones. At the moment I think it’s the squirrels that are causing the most vandalism. They don’t seem to have learnt any manners at all. They have broken the perches on two of the bird feeders and keep pulling the lids off so that the seed and nuts go all over the ground. On the plus side, if I realise in time, I can be out there eating up all the bits they have left, but unfortunately they seem to have a feast before I get chance to join them. Then there was the young bird that lost its way and came into the office the other day. It was really very sweet, but it was also very nervous and in asking for directions left most of the nervousness in an unpleasant mess on my bed. My Mistress on the other paw is fed up with the crows. They are rifling through my poo to see if I’ve left any bird seeds behind. It just makes clearing up after me much more difficult and if they don’t stop I’ve been told I will have to do my own clearing up or stop eating the bird seed.

We’re planning to work on insulating the summerhouse today. Even on warm days the temperature rarely goes above 10 degrees. It seems to have two levels. 10 degrees and under or over 30 and it doesn’t do the higher one very often. I think it seems to operate to its own set of rules and it won’t matter what we do to it, there will still be a problem. My Mistress thinks that’s just an excuse to get me out of helping.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –