Thursday 30th June 2011 – Are these signs of old age?

In what can only be described as the morning after the day before. We haven’t got off to a good start. It is never a good sign when my Mistress carries her coffee cup back to her desk only to find she forgot to pour the coffee into it first. When on top of that she finds she has picked up a fork to eat her Frosties with, you just know it’s a day to keep out of the way.

This all came after a day in which she had firstly helped me to input another month of my diary into the new system, only to find it was the same month we had done the day before and losing 90 minutes of work on a book cover because she doesn’t fully understand a new piece of software she is using. She did print it out, so she does have proof that she wasn’t sitting in the garden with her feet up, but that won’t satisfy the printer. After the coffee and fork I don’t think she should try doing it today either. I think she should stick to low risk activities until she is more herself again.

I’ve been thinking more about the political issues I was talking about yesterday. To be fair this is prompted by James not having to go to school today. Ok, so I may just be bitter because none of the Pet Dogs’ Democratic Party political demands have been met. There’s the teachers going on strike for ‘better’ pensions, but at least they get a pension. We dogs have to depend on charity if we fall on hard times and I’m not even going to begin to discuss what happens when the charities can’t afford to keep us.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –