Friday 28th January 2011

Did my Master really think that his friend owning Tibetan Terriers was in any way going to prepare her for staying with three adult Entlebuchers who are going through a dispute over who is top dog? I know I need to carry on explaining to you youngsters some more of the policies of the PDDP, but I need to warn you about the ways of the world first.

Boys, be careful of girls. They are dangerous. One minute they are being all tender and cleaning your ears and snuggling up to you and then the next minute they are barking at you that they want to be top dog and you have to give up your position in the household. It isn’t that I’m status driven. I don’t need to be in charge. I am a coward and softy, however, I am also my Mistress’s best friend and as such I will not give up the right to sit next to her or snuggle up with her in bed. She needs me. At the moment, though it seems to change every few days, Shadow is the bottom of the pecking order and whilst she has accepted it she does seem a bit sad. Megan thinks she should be top dog and whilst I don’t like the arguing and the fighting there are some parts of that I simply cannot accept. She has already taken my favourite bed. I need to find some more devious ways to fight back. I wonder if itching powder works on dogs.

I was upset the other night. I was on the computer when I noticed that my Master was on Facebook. He is now becoming addicted too. Anyway, I sent him a message. He didn’t reply to my message but the next thing he did was send a friend invite to Alfie Entlebucher, who is one of the puppies. Oh that’s fine. Ignore your own Alfie and not someone else’s! I was hurt.