I am so excited. In her plan for the year, my Mistress is looking at the possibilities of setting up her own publishing label and is now rereading my diary to see whether she thinks we could publish it. It won’t be this week if we do, but it might actually happen and that has to be a good thing. She was saying that she has never really seen herself as being good at the marketing side, but that if she was trying to market several books over a relatively short space of time she might get on a bit of a roll. I suppose once you set up one book signing it is as good a time to talk to book shops about the next one as any. I also suppose that all the work you have to put in to set a book up for sale is not completely duplicated and you learn from the experience of each one. You don’t suppose she is just using my book as her guinea pig so that she can get it right for her own books do you. She wouldn’t do that to me her faithful companion would she? Now you’ve got me worried and I’m going to have to go away and start putting together a list of questions to ask her. I will set an interview with her to decide if I think she is suitable to take my book on.
She did remind me that I was supposed to be finishing writing my manifesto for the Pet Dogs Democratic Party. I thought I’d got out of that one, but it seems I need to give it some more attention. I’m guessing there is probably quite a lot I ought to be thinking about with the cuts that the current government is making. I haven’t really given a lot of thought to where I think we would make savings and how we would balance the budget. I suppose I didn’t really think we could make a lot of difference since we weren’t elected last time round. I don’t think I’ve got this whole opposition thing working for me yet.